Natural Ways to Cure Migraine

Top 5 Natural Ways to Cure Migraine

A migraine is a sharp headache which is accompanied by the feeling of dizziness and nausea. When you have a migraine attack, you may start experiencing zigzag lines, flashing lights, temporary blindness, blurred vision, a tingling sensation in the hands, tongue and overall numbness. The diagnosis of the medical condition is actually based on the symptoms. The headache gets worse if you prolong it and do not take the necessary step. When we talk of Ayurveda, there are mainly two conditions, namely, ‘Ardhaavabheda’ and ‘anantavaata’ that resemble migraine.

How Is Migraine Caused?

As per the scientists, migraine is the vascular disorder which is caused by the sudden constriction or tightening of the blood vessels or dilation of blood vessels around the neck, head and the scalp. Experts believe that a migraine attack can take place when there is an imbalance of neurotransmitters or some change in the blood vessels of the brain and alternations in the human nervous system.

Herbal Remedy for Migraine

Migraine is the most disabling kind of headaches that affects millions of individuals. If you are suffering from migraine, there is nothing to worry as natural cures for migraine are available. Such cures do not just tinker around the symptoms, but cures the issue from the roots. The first step is avoiding the over-the-counter painkillers and drugs. Painkillers can bring a temporary relief from the pain in the head, but in the long run it may prove fatal. You may develop a kind of dependency on such drugs. They just smother the symptoms, but ignore the root cause of the disease. Herbal remedy for migraine is the best way of addressing the problem. Natural remedies can bring a permanent relief to the sufferers of migraine.

Regular Intake of Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar

This is perhaps the best herbal remedy for the treatment of migraine. You just need to take a glass of lukewarm water and add a tablespoon of both honey and apple cider vinegar. If you drink this Holy Grail for migraine, your pain will disappear after a course of time. The mixture will also control your high blood pressure and help you to reduce the weight.

Lavender Oil and Peppermint Oil May Work Wonders

Peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties which soothes the nerves to eliminate migraine headache. Mix one drop of lavender oil and one drop of peppermint oil. Gently massage your head. If migraine attacks you, follow the practice. To relieve migraine pain, you may also drink honey and peppermint tea.

Ath Ardhari: The Best Ayurvedic Remedy for Migraine

Ath Ardhari is very much proven and effective remedy for migraine. This is an effective natural supplement which is the result of years of research in Ayurveda. It fights the symptoms of migraine, addresses the root cause of the problem and the triggers and brings about a permanent relief from the medical condition. The excellent remedy cures the body from inside.

The Effective Icepack Treatment

To stop the pain of migraine, you need to opt for cold treatment. To reduce the headache, make use of icepack. Wrap a few cubes of ice in a clean towel or a muslin cloth and put on your neck, temples, eyebrows and forehead for a few minutes. The pain will vanish.

Chamomile Tea to Prevent the Migraine Attack

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties to soothe the nerves. The tea of dry chamomile is widely available over the internet stores. You need to add 1-2 teaspoon of chamomile flower tea in the cup of hot water. Add a few drops of lemon juice and honey to get best results. Let the mixture stay for 5 minutes. This can be done for 3-4 times daily.

The exact cause of migraine is yet not known, but Ayurvedic remedy for migraine can help in the treatment of this ailment. They work gently, naturally but effectively to heal the body elements from inside.