
Effective Ayurvedic Treatment for Headache

Headache has become very common these days as much that every second person is suffering from it. Talking about its solution, we see that suffering individuals may be taking some pain-killers as they wake up in the morning and go for their daily routine. In the evening when they return they may again take pain-killers so that they get a sound sleep. But by doing this, we don’t get rid of this problem and probably we don’t even realise that the headache which may seem like a simple health problem, could be an indication of an underlying serious problems.

Put an end to your Headache with Ayurvedic Treatment!

Dr. Arora recommends natural solution for Headache and associated complications. A set of effective Ayurvedic remedy for these problems without any side effects, are mentioned below, please select the one that suits your condition the best.

Ayurveda is a system that has been delivering excellent remedies and cures for centuries because it believes in treating the body as a whole instead of tinkering just with the symptoms of a particular part.

Mild to moderate cases:


1 Ath Prabha Rasayan Capsules 2 cap (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
2 Sootshekhar Ras 1 tab (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
3 Ath Agni Prabha 2 tab (After Lunch & Dinner)
4 Pathyadi 2 tab (After Lunch & Dinner)
5 Sarvroghar 2 cap (Bedtime)

In case of Severity:


1 Ath Prabha Rasayan Capsules 2 cap (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
2 Swarn Sootshekhar Ras 1 cap (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
3 Ath Agni Prabha 2 tab (After Lunch & Dinner)
4 Pathyadi 2 tab (After Lunch & Dinner)
5 Sarvroghar 2 cap (Bedtime)


Headache is a common problem among most of the people. Headache can occur in entire head region or in different parts of head as well as in the neck. Headache may occur due to various reasons which can be put under the following three categories. Primary headache includes migraine, tension, cluster headache. Headache due to tension is the most common type which affects the females, the most. All these three headaches are not fatal but if they are left untreated for a long period of time then they may start affecting the quality of life.

The Factors That May Cause Headache

Most of the times, the root cause for any disease lies in poor dietary habits and inappropriate lifestyle. The kind of diet and lifestyle that we have adopted today, is very likely to aggravate vata dosh. As per the Ayurveda, pain cannot exist without vata dosh or wherever there is pain there is vata dosha. Eating stale food, spicy or rich food etc. or not eating at right time are the primary reasons for aggravated vata dosh.

As for the lifestyle, we do not get enough and quality sleep or live in stressful conditions. Vega-vidharan (it might be a new word for you) refers to controlling the pressure of urine or stool which people often do in professional environment. This is also a big reason for vata-prakopa. Vata dosh gives pain in head after which people take pain killers to continue their work. But the seemingly common headache could be a indication of other big and serious problems and hence the headache should never be ignored.

Different type of headache:

Ayurveda explains a total of eleven types of headaches:

  1. Vatik headache (where vata dosha is predominant) - The patients of paittik headache complain that they get a sensation of burning in their head. Their eyes burn and drinking a glass of cold water, or coconut water provides them relief.

  2. Paittik headache (where pitta dosh is predominant) - The patients of paittik headache complain that they get a sensation of burning in their head. Their eyes burn and drinking a glass of cold water, or coconut water provides them relief.

  3. Kafaj headache (where kafa dosha is predominant) - kafa has a tendency of giving heaviness so the patients of kafaj headache experience heaviness in their head as if a 100 kg weight has been put on his head. When the headache is due to cold/cough or nazala then it is called kafaj headache.

  4. Sannipataj headache (where all the three doshas are involved) - In sannipataj headache, cumulative symptoms of all the three doshas are seen. Sometimes the headache happens suddenly, sometimes it occurs with burning sensation and sometimes with heaviness in head.

  5. Kshayaj headache (which is due to certain weakness) - Kshayaj headache results from certain weakness in the body. Sometimes due to nutritional deficiencies and sometimes because of some diseases, we feel weakness. In this period, our head spins and sometimes we get headaches. This headache is what we refer to as kshayaj headache. To resolve this, we don’t need painkillers but we need proper nutrition. Such patients should be provided with a good nutrition so that his weakness goes.

  6. Krimij headache (where some worms enter into head) - it is a condition where some worms enter our head. In terms of Modern sciencem we call it Neuro-cystisarcosis. Ayurveda has got descriptions of all diseases in detail, the terminology or the names could be different but the symptoms remain the same. In neuro-cystinarcosis, the larvae of some worms make their way into our brain. This creates headache and sometimes epileptic fits are also seen to happen. This condition has vast explanation under krimij shool in Ayurveda.

  7. Raktaj headache (due to abnormality in blood) - This type of headache happens because of rakt dushti i.e. impurities in blood. This type of pain in head is indicated by tender head, where even a touch is intolerable.

  8. Ardhavivedak headache (i.e. migraine) - In this vata dosha takes kafa along and establishes it in half portion of the head. This creates a severe pain in the form of migraine.

  9. Anantvata headache (where headache is associated with cervical symptoms) - Anantvata is yet another type of headache in which patient tells us that his headache originates somewhere in the neck and covers the entire head. So, this is a condition where in addition to headache, cervical pain is also experienced. The manya vein of grewa gets involved in this condition.

  10. Suryavrat headache (which happens as per the state of sun) - Suryavrat is a condition, where the headache rises as per sun. When the sun is at its peak, the pain is most severe and with sunset the pain itself resolves.

  11. Shankhak headache (in which there is severe pain in temples)- Shankhak, which is referred to as trigeminal neuralgia in modern medicine, is a condition in which patient has a severe pain in his temples.

All these headaches have the involvement of vayu. Sometimes pitta gets disturbed because of which we get pittaj headache, sometimes there is impurity in blood and we get raktaj headache. But the common reason which is present in all different types of headaches, is vata dosha.i,e, impure vayu.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Headache:

Fortunately, Ayurveda has a common approach to address all these types of headache and we have created a safe Ayurvedic Package for Headache, which can help you recover from these conditions.

Here are a few Ayurvedic treatments recommended by experts at Ath Ayurdhamah, an acclaimed Ayurvedic organization that treats various diseases and disorders with natural herbs.