
Effective Herbal Treatment for Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the disease of the joint that results from breakdown of underlying bone and joint cartilage.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis vary, depending on how severe the effect is and the type of joints affected. If you are facing one or more of following symptoms, you may be suffering with osteoarthritis:

Dr. Arora recommends natural solution for Osteoarthritis and associated complications. A set of effective Ayurvedic remedy for Joint Problems without any side effects, are mentioned below, please select the one that suits your condition the best.

  • Stiff or sore joints particularly the knees, hips, and lower back, due to overuse or inactivity
  • Limited range of movement which disappears after some motion
  • Clicking sound during bending of a joint
  • Mild swelling around a joint

Ayurveda is a system that has been delivering excellent remedies and cures for centuries because it believes in treating the body as a whole instead of tinkering just with the symptoms of a particular part.

Mild to moderate cases:


1 Ath Posh Rujari 2 cap (Before Breakfast & After Dinner)
2 Ath Rasadi Yog Capsules 1 cap (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
3 Nigiriyadi Oil Gentle Application

In case of Severity:


1 Swarn Sandhika 1 cap (Before Dinner)
2 Ath Rasadi Yog Capsules 1 cap (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
3 Ath Posh Rujari 2 cap (After Lunch & Dinner)
4 Nigiriyadi Oil Gentle Application

The Causes of Osteoarthritis:

  • Being overweight
  • Getting older
  • Having a joint injury
  • Joints that are not properly formed
  • A genetic defect in joint cartilage
  • Stresses on the joints from certain jobs and playing sports

Additional Treatment of Osteoarthritis:

Osteoarthritis can be cured by Ayurvedic treatment as recommended by Ath Ayurdhama, which is a reputed organization that uses Ayurveda for treatment of various disorders.

# 1. The following food items should be incorporated in the daily diet:

  • Cereals: Wheat and rice should be present in the diet. The Kodrava and Samvaka variety of rice should be avoided.
  • Pulses: Black gram and horse gram should be a part of the daily diet. Where as chick pea, pigeon pea and green gram should be avoided.
  • Fruits: Lemon, grapes, pomegranate and mango are beneficial for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
  • Vegetables: Brinjal, garlic, sponge gourd and drumstick works wonders for osteoarthritis and peas, bitter gourd and lotus stem should be avoided for their harmful effect in osteoarthritis.

# 2. Certain changes in the lifestyle of a person suffering from osteoarthritis should be incorporated, such as:

  • Sleeping on the ground should be practiced.
  • Light, aerobic and aquatic exercises should be done. Excessive walking and exertion should be avoided.
  • Bathing regularly and exposure to sunlight is a must for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
  • Awakening at night, suppression of natural urges and anger should be curbed.