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Posh Rujari

“Ath Posh Rujari – Ath Ayurdhamah presents a very effective Ayurvedic solution for Osteoarthritis, joint pain and lower back pain – a successful and proven concept by Dr. Parmeshwar Arora.

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Ayurveda – Basic Principles

The fundamental belief on which the concept of Ayurveda is based is the premise that the universe is an amalgamation of five different elements (panch tatwa) namely the fire, air, earth, water, and ether. These five elements that constitute the universe are represented in the human body through three different energies or the tridoshas and are named – vata, pitta, and kapha. The balanced state of these three aspects is what is desirable for a healthy life...

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Home Remedy - "Diabetes"

Diabetic Patients

(Insulin or non-Insulin dependent)

1. Amla (Gooseberry) Powder
2. Haldi (Turmeric) Powder

½ to 1 tea spoon of above two (in equal quantity) – twice a day.

Regular intake will keep the system in balance and will reduce chances of diabetic complications.

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Disease of the Week - "Insomnia"

Somehow, the lifestyle that we have adopted today is wreaking havoc on our health. It is responsible for making us vulnerable to many diseases and health problems. The reason is, we don’t take care of our health, we don’t eat right food and live a chaotic lifestyle. One of such problems arising out of a poor lifestyle is the problem of Insomnia which means sleeplessness.

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Treasures of Nature – "Pippali"

Indian Long Pepper, or Pippali, indigenous to South Asia, is a powerful stimulant for both – the respiratory as well as digestive systems. Pippali plays an important role in aiding the release of metabolic heat energy. Pippali is also of great use in liver and spleen disorders.

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