Haritala Bhasm

Haritala Bhasma / Orpiment / Purified yellow arsenic trisulphide

Minerals and Metals – Ayurvedic Usage of Haritala Bhasma

Haritala Bhasma or Haratala Bhasma is an effective and reputed Ayurvedic medicine with healing and curing properties. Hartala is a Sanskrit word which means arsenic trioxide. It is very harmful when not taken under expert medical supervision. It is a very useful medicine which has a broad spectrum of application in the field of Ayurvedic medicine. Here is everything you need to know about Haritala Bhasma or arsenic trioxide (also known as Orpiment).

Usage of Haritala Bhasma

  • It is used effectively to treat herpes and syphilis.

  • It can also reduce the pain of gout with the regular dosage in controlled amounts.

  • It is a hot astringent which is used to cure many skin problems and diseases as well. These include skin rashes, boils, and itching.

  • It also manages to tone down the symptoms of various diseases which result from cough and cold, bronchitis, sinusitis, and asthma.

Ayurvedic Properties of Haritala Bhasma

  • Haritala Bhasma has an enormous effect on tridosha as it can balance Kapha and Pitta to give a natural, sound, and healthy body and mind too.

  • Haritala Bhasma is an extremely pungent medicine.

  • Often it is said to be most useful when taken with butter and honey.

  • Since it is extremely strong, it should not be taken in high doses at all. The intake of Haritala Bhasma should be restricted to once every day. Maximum dosage of 125 mg per day is recommended.

Side Effects of Haritala Bhasma

Over-dosage of this medicine for prolonged periods can result in dangerous situations. It should be avoided during lactation. It is not suitable for children and pregnant women. It should always be taken under the guidance of a certified and experienced Ayurvedic doctor.