Articles on Pain Management

These are some of the articles highlighting the role Ayurveda can play in resolving pain of different types and related issues. You can read full articles by clicking on 'Read More' button below respective articles.

Back Pain Treatment

Back Pain Treatment At Home

Various therapies and natural medicines have made neck pain treatment easier at home. Ayurveda always...

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Natural Treatment for Migraine

A Migraine is essentially a recurrent throbbing pain affecting one side of the brain and it is often...

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Ayurvedic Medicines for Kidney Stones

If in the urinary tract there is any formation of any kind of solid material, the disease is known...

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine

A migraine is a disorder, which is characterized by the recurrent episodes of a headache that could...

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Herbal Remedies for Migraine

Migraine is such a disabling health condition that affects millions of people all across the globe...

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Treatment of Migraine

Migraine is a paroxysmal ailment which is characterised by severe headache on one part of...

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Neck Pain Treatment

Neck Pain Treatment

Pain in the neck is quite a common medical condition. Neck pain may be caused due to a number of disorders...

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Symptoms of Back Pain

Symptoms of Back Pain

Back pain is inevitably the most common problem affecting a lot of people these days. The most popular...

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Back Pain

Ayurvedic Treatment for Back Pain

Though there are a number of treatment options available, the natural way of treatment is the best...

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