Hingulu Bhasm

Hingulu Bhasma / Cinnabar / Purified red cinnabar sulphide

Minerals and Metals – Ayurvedic Usage of Hingulu Bhasma

Hingula or Hingulu Bhasma is an Ayurvedic medicine which is prepared from the red sulphide preparations of Mercury. It has metallic ingredient, and hence, the word Bhasma is used. However, it is a very effective medicine which has now been medically proven to have calming effects. Here is everything you need to know about medicine.

Usage of Hingulu Bhasma

  • Due to its cooling and soothing effect, Hingula Bhasma is used to bring down high body temperature during fever.

  • It brings immunity to the digestive system and makes it naturally strong.

  • It helps to fight nausea.

  • It is greatly beneficial for the skin and skin-related problems. It is also used as anti-ageing solution.

  • It is used to cure liver and spleen diseases.

  • It is also used to treat several other diseases which include rheumatoid arthritis, jaundice, filariasis, and so on.

  • Hingula Bhasma is used to calm the Kapha and pitta dosha of the body. It cleanses the toxicities out of your body, making your immunity system strong and healthy.

  • Hingula or Hingulu Bhasma is always advised to be ingested with long pepper powder and juice extracts of Guduchi Swarasa.

Ayurvedic Properties of Hingulu Bhasma

  • Rasa (taste in the mouth):Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent Taste) and Katu (Pungent in taste)

  • Guna (Action related to Pharmacology): Calms Pitta as well as Kapha

  • Karma: Rasayana (tissue rejuvenation, cell rejuvenation, anti aging) and Deepana (strengthening digestion)

Known Side Effects of Hingulu Bhasma

  • It is recommended that women who are lactating should avoid this medicine. Doctors also advise pregnant women and children to avoid medicines like Hingula Bhasma.

  • It should be kept out of the reach and sight of little kids. It should always be taken in minimum dosage possible.

  • It should not be used under self-medication, and the proper advice and guidance of an Ayurvedic doctor should always be followed when this medicine is consumed.