
Lakucha (Artocarpus)

Treasures of Nature (Prakriti Ka Khazana) – Lakucha (Artocarpus)

Lakucha, also known as the monkey jack fruit with the scientific name Artocarpus lakoocha is a tropical fruit of Indian origin. It is also found in other Asian countries such as Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, etc. The lakucha fruit is highly nutritious with antioxidant properties of beta-carotene and vitamin C. This particular antioxidant helps in the maintenance of the normal human health, prevents heart diseases that are coronary in nature, and provides a tough fight against cancer as well.

Lakucha Prevents a Host of Diseases

This fruit has eventually grabbed the attention of various scientists and Ayurvedic physicians who are looking out for various ways in which this magical fruit can be used. According to study, it has been seen that the proper consumption of the lakucha fruit results in the prevention of diseases like cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative ailments and coronary heart diseases. It also possesses anti-inflammation, antibacterial, antioxidant and cytotoxic properties which are vehemently used as potential therapeutic attributes. It is an important ingredient in many Ayurvedic medicines.

The lakucha or the monkey jack fruit has a unique flavour which is not easily found in any other fruit. The taste is a mixture of sweet, tangy and sour. It is used to cure skin problems as well as it is a huge source of minerals, vitamins, polyphenols, and fibres, which provide a number of health benefits when consumed in the proper quantity.

Benefits of Consuming Lakucha

The vivid consumption of the lakucha fruit acts refreshment for the liver and the seeds and latex of the fruit are used as a purgative. The bark and seed of the lakucha plant are also used for various liver and stomach diseases. It is used in the context of anti-inflammatory therapy and works really well as an anti-aging skin agent with an additional skin whitening effect.

The lakucha fruit also manages to decrease the problems of hair loss and helps in the regrowth of hair from the hair follicles and also make hair shafts stronger. It is a blessing in the treatment of skin diseases where it successfully eradicates the darkening of the skin and brings a natural glow to the skin. Lakucha also evidently treats dysentery, arthritic swelling and cleans wounds.

Having so many medicinal properties, lakucha or the monkey jack fruit proves to a fruit with high end nutritional as well as medicinal use. It should be consumed in proper quantities aiming to result in some successful treatment of diseases.