Manashila Bhasm
Manashila Bhasma / Purified realgar
Minerals and Metals – Ayurvedic Usage of Manashila Bhasma
Manashila is an important arsenic compound used in Ayurveda. Though it occurs naturally, it must be purified before using. The chemical composition is Arsenic Disulphide. It has two molecules of arsenic and two molecules of sulphur. Manashila has been in use since ancient times, for various therapeutic purposes. Always store it at room temperature.
There are two ways to purify Manashila. Firstly, they are tied together in a muslin cloth. And it is then cooked in a decoction made of turmeric in a dolayantra (equipment used in purification) for about 3 hours. Secondly, Manshila is processed with ginger juice. This is done seven times for seven days. Once the process is finished the purification is complete. An orange coloured smooth powder, which is pure realgar is gained.
In Ayurveda, it is used as an anti-toxin. It is also used in the treatment of asthma, cough, bronchitis, and skin diseases. They are orange-red in colour. It is a soft crystalline solid and is also called The Red Arsenic.
The other known names are as follows:
- Realgar
- Mansil
- Man-ganch
- Manushila
- Warangan
Usage of Manashila Bhasma
Manashila has immense medicinal properties and is widely used in the treatment of eye and skin diseases. It removes toxins from the body and is used in the treatment of bronchitis, cough, insomnia, and various psychological disorders.
It is also used as:
- Antipyretic
- Sedative
- Detoxifier
- Anti- leprotic
- Anti-inflammatory
- Laxative
Ayurvedic Properties of Manashila Bhasma
- Rasa (taste in the mouth):Tikta (Bitter)
- Guna (Action related to Pharmacology): Snigdha, Ushna, Guru
- Virya (Potency): Ushna (Hot)
- Karma: Lekhana, Kapha Hara and Visha Nashaka Prabhava
Known Side Effects of Manashila Bhasma
Impure Manashila, when ingested is known to cause
- Renal calculi
- Loss of strength
- Retention of body fluids
- Urinary problems
- Decreased digestive power