Rajata Bhasm (Silver Ash)

Rajata | Silver

Minerals and Metals – Ayurvedic Usage of Rajata Bhasm

Rajat Bhasma (also known as Calcined Silver Ash, Raupya Bhasma or Chandi Bhasma) is an ayurvedic medicine used for treating a wide array of diseases such as eye diseases, anal fissure, neurological diseases, liver hypertrophy, oligospermia, etc.

According to Ayurveda, Rajat Bhasma has rejuvenating properties for nerves and brain. It has an array of properties such as neuroprotective, antidepressant, antiarrhythmic, cardio protective, antimicrobial, anti-bacterial, antacid, anti-viral, etc.

Usage of Rajata Bhasma

Rajat Bhasma helps in treating neurological diseases such as migraine, acute headache, memory loss, vertigo, Parkinson’s disease, Wallenberg’s Syndrome, Nystagmus, etc. It also helps in treating psychological diseases such as phobias, depression, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, etc.

Other uses of Rajat Bhasma are for the treatment of dry cough, high levels of cholesterol, atherosclerosis, impotence, urinary tract infection, heartburn, acidity, fatty liver, etc. It also helps in treating skin diseases such as gangrene.

Ayurvedic Properties of Rajata Bhasma

It is made by extensive oxidation with intense heat. The residue Bhasma or calcined intense ash is obtained when you burn the silver with specific herbs with lime juice. Pure silver is used for producing Chandi Bhasma with high heat. Rajat Bhasma has a profound impact on the humours of the body (Dosha karma). It plays key role in calming pitta humor and Vata humor.

  • Rasa (taste in the mouth): Madhura (Sweet), Kashaya (Astringent), Khatta (Sour)

  • Guna (Action related to Pharmacology): Smooth (Lekhana); Sarak (Provides Strength)

  • Virya (Potency): Sheeta (Cool in the potency)

  • Vipaka (Result of Metabolism): Madhura (Sweet)

  • Prabhava (Dominant Impact): Strengthens in Action

Side Effects of Rajata Bhasma

  • There are practically no adverse effects of Rajat Bhasma when taken within the limit. However high dose can result in the disease called ‘Argyria.’

  • Not advised to exceed the dose of 375 mg.