
Shilajita / Mumijo

Minerals and Metals – Ayurvedic Usage of Shilajita

Shilajit is the mineral pitch. In Ayurvedic medication, it is used as a health supplement. It is a natural mineral and exists as an exudate substance that is found in the Himalayan Mountain of India and Nepal. The primary component of this medicine is Fulvic Acid that provides anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, and anti-stress properties.

The terms that also refer to Shilajita are Shilajeet, Shilajit, Shilajatu, and Asphaltum in English. According to Ayurveda, Shilajit is a great rejuvenating remedy or ‘Rasayan Dravya' and aphrodisiac agent.

Usage of Shilajita

Shilajita is generally used as a health tonic or nutritional supplement of traditional nature. Along with supplementary usage, medicine is also beneficial for the treatment of a large variety of diseases. Ayurveda makes extensive use of Shilajita for the therapeutic value.

Anxiolytic property of Silajit and anti-stress character makes it highly beneficial for all kinds of stress disorders and anxiety problems. This particular Ayurvedic element can be used for curing various diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Dyslipidemia, Atherosclerosis, breathing trouble, chronic constipation, and much more.

Ayurvedic Properties of Shilajita

Shilajita makes the body sturdy, disease-free, and lets you live a long, happy life. It is considered the best therapeutic agent.

  • Rasa (taste in the mouth):Katu, Kshariya

  • Guna (Action related to Pharmacology): Grahi (Absorbent), Useful In Case Of Diarrhoea

  • Virya (Potency): Guru: Heavy To Digest

  • Vipaka (Resultant): Madhur Or Sweet

  • Prabhava (Dominant Impact): Aphrodisiac

  • Conch is known to balance Pitta and Vata Dosha

Side Effects of Shilajita

As of this day, there are no recorded side effects of Shilajeet. It is normally prescribed in lower doses for lactating women and children. Consult a doctor for usage during pregnancy.

It should be kept in a dry, cool place away from sunlight and reach of children.