Swarna Bhasm (Gold Ash)

Swarna | Gold

Minerals and Metals – Ayurvedic Usage of Swarna Bhasm

Swarna Bhasma (also known as Monoatmic Gold, Suvarna Bhasma, Gold Bhasma) is the ayurvedic medicine which is used for raising the non-specific immunity. It plays a key role in treating a host of diseases and behaves as an adjunct for different herbs and medicines. It helps in increasing the efficacy of other medicines.

Swarna Bhasma plays a vital role in improving the overall health of the body. It improves memory, physical performance, mental endurance, strength, intelligence, skin glow, and lifespan. The formulation is an excellent nervine tonic and is bestowed with immunomodulatory, anti-rheumatic, nooptropic, antimicrobial, antitoxin, and antiviral properties.

Usage of Swarna Bhasma

Swarna Bhasma finds application in the treatment of a host of diseases such as tuberculosis, phthisis, chronic fever, asthma, cough, loss of the vitality, burning sensation, microbial infection, acidity, toxicity, infertility, etc. Used in conjunction with other herbs and medicines it helps in speeding the healing process and boosting the body resistance.

Ayurvedic Properties of Swarna Bhasma

Swarna Bhasma is sheet (Virya) and subdues the Vata (Wind) and Pitta (Bile) and provides proper nourishment to the body. It keeps the body steady and contributes to body fluid building. The composition of Swarna Bhasma helps in pacifying all the three doshas of the body; that is Kapha, Pitta, and Vata.

  • Rasa (taste in the mouth): Madhura (Sweet), Kashaya (Astringent), Tikta (slightly bitter)

  • Guna (Action related to Pharmacology): Snigdha, Laghu(Unctuous)

  • Virya (Action): Sheeta (Cooling)

  • Vipaka (state followed by digestion of food): Madhura (Sweet)

Side Effects of Swarna Bhasma

  • Swarna Bhasma does not have any side effects if taken under medical supervision at a prescribed dose. The higher dose of the formulation can result in toxicity.

  • It is recommended to keep the medication out of reach of children.

  • It is advised not to take the medication for a long period of time (over nine months).