
Urticaria – An Ayurvedic Perspective

Ayurvedic Treatment for Urticaria


CEREALS Old rice Shali chaval Shali Oryza sativa
PULSES Green gram Mung Mudga Phaseolus radiatus, Linn
Horse gram Kultha dal Kulutthah Macrotyloma uniflorum
FRUITS Pomegranate Anar Dadim Punica granatum
VEGETABLES Drumstick Sigru Moringa oleifera
Bitter gourd Karela Karavellaka Momordica charantia
Indian spinach Palak Upodika
Dry radish Sukhi muli Muulakam Raphanus sativus
OTHERS Honey,Hot water, curd, mustard oil, Meat soup of wild birds and animals,triphala.All bitter,pungent and astringent products. Sarshapa oil
LIFESTYLE Fasting, massage


OTHERS Sugarcane products, alcohol,incompatible food,Fish, milk products ,Meat of aquatic animals, heavy food. Sweet,sour and salty food.
LIFESTYLE Day sleeping, sex, suppression of vomiting, air exposure, bathing, sunlight exposure, cold water bath, exposure to east and south wind

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