Ayurvedic Concepts
Lord Dhanwantri
As per Hindu Scriptures, Lord Dhanwantri is considered to be the father of medicine and health. He is known to be an Avatar of Lord Vishnu and..
GET MORE INFOWhat is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda literally means ‘science of life’ and has originated from Vedic sciences. It is the oldest system of medicine in the world. Its dimensions are..
GET MORE INFOWhy use Ayurveda?
Ayurveda teaches us how to keep ourselves healthy, how to treat usual day-to-day diseases by using home remedies, and seemingly incurable..
GET MORE INFOAyurveda - Basic Principles
The fundamental belief on which the concept of Ayurveda is based is the premise that the universe is an amalgamation of five different elements..
GET MORE INFOAyurvedic Approach
Perfect health, according to Ayurveda, is a balance between the body, mind, soul and social well being. What’s more, the twin concepts of connectedness..
GET MORE INFOBody Constitution (Prakriti)
‘Body Constitution’ (Prakriti) is an individual’s peculiar make of psyche and body. It is described in Ayurveda classics under the name Prakriti..
GET MORE INFOAgni - The Concept
The concept of Agni is another of Ayurveda’s contribution to healthcare. Solar energy is the source of any sort of conversion in the living beings..
GET MORE INFOAma - The Concept
In common language ama means immature unripe uncooked and undigested. In the medical context however the term ama refers to events, factors and..
GET MORE INFODhatu as per Ayurveda
Dhatu basically refers to the body tissues that are responsible for the structure of the body and the functioning of organs and systems. Each Dhatu is..
GET MORE INFOTridosha - Concept
The principles of Ayurveda is based on a belief that every human-being has an individual constitution which is based on three different bio-energies..
GET MORE INFOImmunity in Ayurveda
As far as Ayurveda is concerned, immunity and body’s natural resistance to disease goes hand in hand along with good health. In Ayurveda, the concept..
GET MORE INFOMedhya Rasayana
Medhya Rasayana- a type of Rasayana or the combination of herbs that help in rejuvenating the brain. According to Ayurveda, Medhya Rasayana..
GET MORE INFOShalya Tantra
Many would be shocked to know one plain truth: It was Ayurveda of ancient India that pioneered the modern concepts of surgery! Well, Shalya Tantra is a vital..
GET MORE INFOCharaka Samhita
Charaka Samhita is one of the oldest, most authoritative and comprehensive works ever written in Ayurveda. It is thought of as the original book of reference..
GET MORE INFOSushruta Samhita
Sushruta Samhita is one of the oldest texts that explain the ancient surgery tradition in Indian medicine. It is thought of as one of the most exceptional gems..
GET MORE INFOPanchakarma
Panchakarma is the major purification and detoxification procedure in Ayurveda. In fact, it offers the best mind-body healing experience in the process..
GET MORE INFOGlossary of Terms
CONCISE DESCRIPTION OF AYURVEDIC PREPARATIONS. VATI – (Tablet) Adult dose: 1-2 tabs BD or TDS. It is tablet made from different drugs of either vegetable..
GET MORE INFOAyurvedic way of Eating
Modern society seems to be better educated, richer and scientifically more developed. But unfortunately most of the people in all age groups are affected by..